Join the TRF


Membership Details
Contact Details
Joint Member Details
Join the TRF

Please note joint membership is for two people living at the same address

Membership will renew automatically.
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Your Registration Info - redesign

Contact Details

If you don’t wish to access the TRF's Facebook Groups, or have no account, please enter "No Facebook Account"
If you have a mobile number, please ensure that it is entered in “Telephone 1”. Please do not enter the GB country code. If you do not have any phone, enter “No Phone”.

Please complete the following information as it will assist TRF in understanding the profile of its membership to better meet its needs

Please enter date as DD/MM/YYYY

Joint Member Details

For joint memberships please enter the other member's details below, they MUST reside at the same address. Until all the information is provided TRF will not be able to complete the membership of the joint member, if you do not know any fields please enter "Unknown". Once you have the missing information please email
If joint member doesn’t wish to access the TRF's Facebook Groups, or has no account, please enter "No Facebook Account"
Email address must be unique and NOT the same one as the primary member
If the joint member has a mobile number, please ensure that it is entered in “Telephone 1”. Please do not enter the GB country code. If you do not have any phone, enter “No Phone”.

Please complete the following information as it will assist TRF in understanding the profile of its membership to better meet its needs

Please enter date as DD/MM/YYYY


Enter post code to start searching for your address
- select State/Province -


Which local group do you primarily plan to attend, if any?
- select TRF Local Group -
Which local groups do you plan to attend, if any? We suggest a maximum of three.
  • None found.


How did you hear about the TRF?
- select How did you hear about the TRF? -

Payment Details

Any payment card details you enter are not seen or stored by the TRF, they are passed directly to our secure online payment processor Stripe

N.B. You MUST enter the post code where the card is registered in the last field of the payment information after the CVC code